Bees Arrive!

Finally, my Alien Bees Ringlight has arrived!
UPS tried to deliver it 3 times last week but they never managed to call when someone was home. Managed to get the parcels redirected to work and they arrived today. Well, 2 of the packages did. There were supposed to be 3. Hoping they got put onto a different truck and I’ll see the other one soon. Apparently my channel weaves are on their way too and there’s money to pay to the driver (there’s a surprise!). I have the light and the moonunit softbox so can get going tonight. Only thing missing is the box with gels which won’t be a showstopper. Getting new toys is always exciting!
Oh, and it’s snowing again.

Fun Match!

Spent today at an agility fun match at Redgate. Paul ran Indy then had a go at running Tyra. Didn’t do half bad! I tried to run Indy but she was more concerned about where Dad was!. Hmm. Will have to try a bit more training with just her in future.

Do Not Fold or Bend

What more can I say. That’s Canadapost for you.
Indy’s HT and Tyra’s HT and AGI certificates from the CKC arrived today. Sadly, it happens all the time.

New Citizen

Not me, Paul.
Paul was sworn in as a Canadian citizen yesterday. Catherine and I remain “in processing” despite having sent in our application 4 weeks earlier than he did. Typical government random bureaucracy. No logic. No sense.


Still thawing and very foggy. Graduated to raining hard. Whooppee!

A Busy Day

Started the day with a visit to the opthamologist for Tyra and Indy. Indy had her CERF exam. Everything fine. Just ppm iris-iris as before. Should get a number when I send in the form. Tyra’s checkup went well. Cloudiness due to pannus has gone down in her right eye but it seems there might be some cholesterol build-up due to the prednisolone drops. Vet suggested cutting back to one drop per eye per day.
Dogs home, my turn for a visit to the dentist. Chipped a crown about 6 months ago and have been putting off replacement. Finally bit the bullet and had a 2 hr session removing the old one, and getting moulds made for a new one. Now have temporary crown until the proper one comes back in 2 wks time. Ugh.


-22C this morning and the van nearly wouldn’t start. Set to warm up next week – could get up to +14C !
Dropped Indy off at the vet clinic this morning. She’s having her hips & elbows checked for OFA.
She should be ready for pickup soon. She’ll likely be a bit groggy. Spoke with the vet-tech and she said all looked good. OFA get the final say as to the ratings. Don’t know how long the results take to get back.

Happy New Year!

And it’s snowing again. It snowed all day until about 4:30pm. Still managed to get out of the house and do some training with Deb. Had a lazy evening watching Coronation Street (Tracy found guilty of murder!), Casualty and an episode of 24. Called mum this afternoon after coming back from training but was distracted by Tyra throwing up on her bed.