This past weekend was the annual OVGRC/OVPC (aka “Goldenpoo”) CKC agility trial at Dreamfields. Some rain one day and a misty start the next made for some challenging conditions. Still there were some nice runs and many new titles! Special congrats to Helen and Taxi on achieving their AGMCh.
The photos are now online and ready to order at:
Here are a few of my favourites from the event (click on thumbnail for larger version)

Belleville CKC Trial

I’ve been remiss in not posting to the blog recently. Had a lot on! At the end of May we went to the Ontario Regional Championships in Fergus, where Tyra placed 4th in her division. No sooner had I arrived home than I was leaving again. This time for Orangeville, where I was taking the Masters Judging Clinic. On the way back I stopped in Belleville to take in the Belleville KC CKC agility trial. Saturday was a beautiful day and I snapped a couple of photos in a quiet moment.

Wiki makes her debut

Doc takes the Tyre

Making a Splash!

Two more from the DockDogs at the Kingston Sheepdog Trials session.

Photos are uploading to the online album as I type this and should be all there by this evening (Thursday)

Meanwhile – enjoy!



Dock Dogs!

Saturday and Sunday saw me at the 1000 Islands Dock Dogs club Dock Diving session at the Kingston Sheep Dog Trials.
Some fabulous jumpers and some reluctant jumpers, but everyone had a great time!

I’ll be posting all the photos online in a few days. Meanwhile, here’s a sample of the action.

(click on photo for larger view and use your back button to return)