Lots of Snow

Lots of snow again on Friday. Boris loves it.
Went down to Kathryn’s place in Mallorytown for Janet Lundy’s handling seminar. Lilly & Luke came down in the van with Tanja & I. Had a good time & Tanja actually wanted to work! Called in to see Janet’s new house on the way home. Keith had made up some bottle crunch tug toys and Janet gave one each to us. Ivan loves it!

Bees Arrive!

Finally, my Alien Bees Ringlight has arrived!
UPS tried to deliver it 3 times last week but they never managed to call when someone was home. Managed to get the parcels redirected to work and they arrived today. Well, 2 of the packages did. There were supposed to be 3. Hoping they got put onto a different truck and I’ll see the other one soon. Apparently my channel weaves are on their way too and there’s money to pay to the driver (there’s a surprise!). I have the light and the moonunit softbox so can get going tonight. Only thing missing is the box with gels which won’t be a showstopper. Getting new toys is always exciting!
Oh, and it’s snowing again.

Happy New Year!

And it’s snowing again. It snowed all day until about 4:30pm. Still managed to get out of the house and do some training with Deb. Had a lazy evening watching Coronation Street (Tracy found guilty of murder!), Casualty and an episode of 24. Called mum this afternoon after coming back from training but was distracted by Tyra throwing up on her bed.

Back to Work

No more vacation days left this year, so in work again.
Anyway, guess what – It’s snowing!
Looking pretty white again out there. Should make for interesting driving home and out to RedGate for agility practice. Better make the effort.
Premium lists are out for all Dreamfields trials up to end of May. It’s official – my name is written down in black and white – I’m a judge! OK, just a probationer, but still a judge. I know I have loads of time but should think about designing my courses now.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, and I’m at work 🙁
It rained all yesterday and washed away a lot of the snow. Then it froze overnight so it’s very slippy out. Flurries threatened for this afternoon. That’s all we need. Snow on top of ice.
It’s lunchtime now so I’m off to the Barley Mow to stuff my face.
So much for that idea. A pub closed on Christmas Eve! What sort of country is this? At home in England it would be standing room only and you’d have to book a couple of months in advance for food in the evening!
Went to the vietnamese restaurant in the same block instead. Still ate loads. Chicken chop suey. ~burp~
Oh, it’s snowing lots now. I’d better leave before the shops shut. Still a few things to get yet – like something for Catherine’s boyfriend, Alan, and something for Matthew’s girlfriend, Tristan. Paul just dropped that one on me.


So Indy has her photo in the Ottawa Citizen today. This one. Looks good in print! Already had one e-mail from a friend who was obviously up and reading the paper before I was. A work colleague spotted it too and was asking me about Belgian Shepherds.
It’s the works Christmas outing today. A lunchtime trip to the comedy club downtown. Haven’t been to one of these places before. Apparently the comedians can be good or absolutely terrible. You never know what you’re going to get.
Had some good news yesterday. I’ve been approved to judge up to advanced level for AAC. My first judging assignments will be at Dreamfields. Starters on May 3rd and Advanced on May 30th. Heard that Peter passed too. Curious to find out how the others from our group did.


Don’t believe it. It’s snowing again! When will it ever stop! Sky is full and it’s really grey. Think I’ll be leaving work early this afternoon. Went out for a curry at lunchtime with Paul and a couple of his colleagues (ex colleagues he used to work with until November). Can’t really concentrate now, ready for hibernation, I think. You can see I’m bored…

The day after the storm

Sunny but cold. The agility equipment is almost buried. The jumps with the top bar at 26″ show how deep the snow is. The upside – the wind isn’t as fierce. It’s still cold at around -12C but the sun is shining. Makes all the difference!

The snow storm

So we had a big snowstorm here in Ottawa. A couple of foot of snow fell during the day. This is the view from out of the front door. Pretty grey looking!
The dogs had lots of fun playing in the snow, but us humans didn’t have as much fun as it was not only cold and snowing, but WINDY!