BDOC HiT of HiTs

Playing catchup with my blog posts!

Saturday 9th May saw the annual HiT of HiTs organized by the Bytown Dog Obedience Club at the Fred Barrett arena.

As always, competition was fierce and last year’s winner, Ikena Hilmayer made it into the final heeling routine with not only her Terv, Passion but also with her schipperke Levi. The dog representing the Utility class was Irene Mullan’s Golden Retriever, Sera.

Iken and Passion won the final heeling routine with the lowest TPL score to take the trophy for the third time in a row.

Candid shots can be found in my album at

HiT of HiTs winner

Ivan's New Titles

Ivan earned two titles at Dreamfields last night after runng 12 runs for 12 Qs! Here he is with his Starters Standard title and Starters Games title ribbons (ADC and SGDC)


Cookie Time

I ran out of dog biscuits yesterday. Desperate times call for desperate measures – today I’m going to try baking my own!

I found a couple of tins of cheap no-name salmon in the back of the cupboard. I know I have cheese and flour too. Off I went to google some recipes. I what seems to be the perfect recipe for me to try on Shirley Chong’s very informative website (she also has some great training tips there too).

I think I’ll try “Orion’s Fish Crunchies”. Shirley wisely says “If they burn a little on the bottom, don’t worry –  most dogs are not connoisseurs and will love them burned”. PERFECT!

Hunter's Cheese CrunchiesSalmon Crunch Cookies

Dollars for Dogs Update

The CKC announced yesterday that an additional $8,000 contribution would be made to the Banned Aid Coalition, in support of this current challenge.
Response to the “Dollars for Dogs” fundraising drive has exceeded the $67,000 goal to cover the outstanding fees and before close of business January 31, Banned Aid will file for the Leave of Appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.

"DOLLARS FOR DOGS" – 10 days to go

From the CKC Website:


11th-hour contributions show Canada-wide, dog-owner support as the Banned Aid Coalition seeks to raise immediate funds to pay outstanding legal fees and secure their day with the SUPREME COURT of Canada. The constitutional challenge of Ontario Bill 132, the “pit bull” ban, has not ended yet and is beginning to take its toll on the dedicated individuals so deeply involved.

Before close of business January 31, they must secure $67,000 or…it’s over and the door for breed specific legislation in this country will have been forever opened.

“It would be a travesty,” said Banned Aid Treasurer, Cathy Prothro “that after going so far with so much work from so many people, we couldn’t raise the money to secure our next steps to the Supreme Court of Canada.”

Having raised and paid $650,000 to date, Banned Aid, through the “Dollars for Dogs” campaign, looks to all dog owners as their front-line contributors and now as their last hope for rescue.

“Dollars for Dogs” encourages each and every dog owner to simply contribute $1.00…just one dollar for every dog you own. “Dollars for Dogs” hit the cyber world Saturday, January 11 as a last resort effort and it might just pay off.

The concept has taken flight and as of this post time, $61,715 has been contributed, with 10 days to go! Daily updates and contribution totals will be posted right here on the CKC website so you can see your efforts grow until the $67,000 goal has been reached or…time has run out.

To respond now with your “Dollar for Dogs” donation or even a single $1.00 contribution on behalf of the dogs you’ve loved, please use the Paypal donate button via or for larger contributions send directly to:

Clayton Ruby in trust for Banned-Aid
11 Prince Arthur Ave.
Toronto, Ontario M5R 1B2

If the Supreme Court hearing does not happen, then the door of breed specific legislation will be forever open. Help close the door.