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Yearly Archives: 2008
Christmas is coming!
Just one week to Christmas and I’ve hardly done any shopping at all! Meanwhile, still working on expanding my website and ironing out bugs in the proofing/shopping cart area. There’s a nice cheery sight for visitors to the client area – Yellow Ronnie!
Website is live!
The new website is now live! Still some fine tuning to do and extra things to add but it’s up and running! Couldn’t resist posting this new shot of Marco looking very festive too.
Snow Day
It snowed all day yesterday. We had a foot of snow to shovel this morning. Made it down to the Post Office to pick up my latest canvas order. What a great job they did! Colours are superb. Here’s a quick snap (click on it for a larger view)
Website Under Construction
It’s coming along slowly. At the moment shows the old html site, but hopefully in a couple of days the new spiffy flash site from bludomain will be live. It’s so exciting! Here’s a sneak peek at the splash page (click for larger image)
Hello world!
The new MuddyPawz blog is live! New website design to be announced shortly. Stay tuned!
Obedience at TTH
Was photographer at the Ottawa Vally Golden Retriever Club trial at the Training Hall today. Lots of new titles. Always pleased to have lots to photograph 🙂Here’s Linda & Penny who got their MOTCH on Saturday and took High in Trial on Sunday
TTCC Trial
It was the Tibetan Terrier Club of Canada’s CKC Agility trial at Dreamfields at the weekend.Power was off on Sunday morning so all the jumpers runs took place outside. Weather was gorgeous! So pleased they ran outside because it meant I could take photos and not have them grainy as hell with a colour cast.Here […]
Been Busy
Working again for a couple of weeks until the beginning of November. Back at Kaben, which is nice.Tuesday was election day. Got to vote for the first time! Off I went to the Carp fairgrounds to cast my vote like the good citizen I am 🙂
Lots of Ribbons!
It’s been ages since I updated the blog and lots has happened over the summer.The biggest news of all is that Tyra got her ATChC in July with a tremendous performance at AARF. She didn’t just get the 3 standard Qs needed for her ATChC that weekend but came home with 4! Then, we drove […]