TTCC Trial

It was the Tibetan Terrier Club of Canada’s CKC Agility trial at Dreamfields at the weekend.
Power was off on Sunday morning so all the jumpers runs took place outside. Weather was gorgeous! So pleased they ran outside because it meant I could take photos and not have them grainy as hell with a colour cast.
Here they are
I am also trying out a new service at photostockplus. They have some really nice items at a reasonable price. Shipping’s a bit steep for small items, but a bargain for the larger stuff. Here’s the same trial on photostockplus

I also took a few head shots of Carol’s Stoney. He’s 11 and has an oral tumour. Such a handsome boy.

Tyra ran in excellent and get 3 Qs. Two JWW and one Std. She would have had another standard Q if I hadn’t been so sick with this cold. First run of the day, I couldn’t beat her out of a straight tunnel and got a refusal on the chute 🙁 . We did all the hard part on course too!