Image Theft

I was recently alerted to the fact that a doggie daycare in the GTA was using one of my photos on their website with no photo credit, and worse still – NO PERMISSION!

Contact info leaves much to be desired – no names of any of the staff on their website and just an “info@” email address. Sent an e-mail last week, no reply, so sent a second e-mail today.

The photo has obviously been lifted from one of my websites, as opposed to being scanned from a magazine as the exif is still intact with MY information included.

I would have still been oblivious if it wasn’t for a sharp-eyed friend alerting me to the image.

The moral of this story is – if you don`t want people using your images, don`t post them on the internet AT ALL. Or – if you do post them on the internet – watermark the heck out of them!