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Poor old guy isn’t doing too well. It’s a struggle for him to get up and move around. He’s still eating though. Only the finest foods, mind!


New Host

My website host sold out to another company. I have been so pleased with the service from Webstrike Solutions over the years, I hope that the new host is as good. My site was ported to the new servers last week so it’s time to test that everything’s working as it should.

Belgian Sculpture

Is there anything cuter?

Little Corgi puppy, Jiffy, is in heaven with all the toys surrounding her!


New Canvas

I picked up two 16×20 canvases from the Post Office today. I have to say, I’m really pleased with how they turned out. They were created in Painter from two jumping photos of Shelties Shelby and Jordan. They were printed and stretched in Newfoundland. It’s great to find reliable printing services in Canada.

I’m afraid the photo of the canvases don’t really do them justice so I’m linking in the files before printing.


George Eastman House

Saturday, I was in Rochester and had time to visit the George Eastman House. What an impressive place – and what an amazing man George Eastman was!

There were a couple of exhibits running. One was entitled

TruthBeauty: Pictorialism and the Photograph as Art, 1845-1945

The other was an exhibition by Andy Lock. I was very impressed with this one. The series was called “Orchard Park” and the photographs were created by projecting the original  images onto  fluorescent green walls and fixing the image before it faded. I hope I got the description right. It was very unusual.

Eastman's Little Library

Eastman's Little Library

Poor Indy

Indy slipped on ice on Monday. She fractured her toe and now has her leg in a splint.Indy

PDML Photo Annual

59 Photographers in 15 Countries Donate their Work For Childhood Cancer Research.

The best photography from the PDML, with all net profits donated to the National Childhood Cancer Foundation.

Featured in The Online Photographer (, this book contains the work of photographers in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Norway, Israel, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, the Philippines, Italy, Iceland, Serbia, Hungary and India. All members of the Pentax-Discuss Mail List, their work encompasses every photographic style under the sun: urban documentary, expansive landscapes, portraits, sports, macro, abstract, fashion, travel, wildlife and combinations of many of the above.

PDML Photo Annual 2008-2009 | By Mark Roberts (Editor) | Category: Arts & Photography | Blurb.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Cookie Time

I ran out of dog biscuits yesterday. Desperate times call for desperate measures – today I’m going to try baking my own!

I found a couple of tins of cheap no-name salmon in the back of the cupboard. I know I have cheese and flour too. Off I went to google some recipes. I what seems to be the perfect recipe for me to try on Shirley Chong’s very informative website (she also has some great training tips there too).

I think I’ll try “Orion’s Fish Crunchies”. Shirley wisely says “If they burn a little on the bottom, don’t worry –  most dogs are not connoisseurs and will love them burned”. PERFECT!

Hunter's Cheese CrunchiesSalmon Crunch Cookies

Obedience at The Training Hall

This past weekend there was an obedience trial held by the OVGRC at tThe Training Hall in Carp. I was there to take title shots – and any other shots people wanted me to take 🙂

Little Tali was one of the dogs to title that weekend

Tali earns her CD

rifle scopes