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Happy Birthday Tanja!

Nine years old today!

BDOC HiT of HiTs

Today and tomorrow are the Bytown Dog Obedience Club obedience trials at the Fred Barrett arena on the corner of Bank & Leitrim. New place from last year.
Tonight is the prestigious HiT of HiTs (Competition for High in Trial of all the Highs in Trial from 2007). I’ll be there all evening taking candids. The light’s not brilliant but it’s always fun to watch.

Happy Birthday to Ivan!

One year old today!

The Ottawa Dog Blog

Featured on the Ottawa Dog Blog!

Ivan's new trick

He learned to climb up onto a corn pan. Two paws up first, then the back two, then he sat

Boris goes to the groomers

And he still looks like a farm dog!

CAPPDT Conference

Today and yesterday, I was at the CAPPDT conference at the Travelodge, Ottawa. I also had a table there at the market place to promote my services.
Speakers Friday were Bob Bailey and Jesus Rosales-Ruiz, workshop was run by Dee Ganley. Saturday speakers were Phil Arkow and Don Hanson, workshops by Edie Jane Eaton (Ttouch) and Eddie Beltran (dark field microscopy)

New Job

Started a 10 week contract at Kaben Wireless today, analog layout. The drive back home tonight wasn’t fun. The queensway on a hockey night – 4th game in the playoffs at home. Total hell!



Had a ride out to Almonte to look round the village and see the falls

Snow's Melting

And we have a little river running through the property

rifle scopes