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New Citizen

Not me, Paul.
Paul was sworn in as a Canadian citizen yesterday. Catherine and I remain “in processing” despite having sent in our application 4 weeks earlier than he did. Typical government random bureaucracy. No logic. No sense.


Still thawing and very foggy. Graduated to raining hard. Whooppee!

A Busy Day

Started the day with a visit to the opthamologist for Tyra and Indy. Indy had her CERF exam. Everything fine. Just ppm iris-iris as before. Should get a number when I send in the form. Tyra’s checkup went well. Cloudiness due to pannus has gone down in her right eye but it seems there might be some cholesterol build-up due to the prednisolone drops. Vet suggested cutting back to one drop per eye per day.
Dogs home, my turn for a visit to the dentist. Chipped a crown about 6 months ago and have been putting off replacement. Finally bit the bullet and had a 2 hr session removing the old one, and getting moulds made for a new one. Now have temporary crown until the proper one comes back in 2 wks time. Ugh.


-22C this morning and the van nearly wouldn’t start. Set to warm up next week – could get up to +14C !
Dropped Indy off at the vet clinic this morning. She’s having her hips & elbows checked for OFA.
She should be ready for pickup soon. She’ll likely be a bit groggy. Spoke with the vet-tech and she said all looked good. OFA get the final say as to the ratings. Don’t know how long the results take to get back.

Biking is Dangerous

It must be. They put a sign up.

Happy New Year!

And it’s snowing again. It snowed all day until about 4:30pm. Still managed to get out of the house and do some training with Deb. Had a lazy evening watching Coronation Street (Tracy found guilty of murder!), Casualty and an episode of 24. Called mum this afternoon after coming back from training but was distracted by Tyra throwing up on her bed.

Fun Match

Ran in a fun match this afternoon. Courses were the 2007 Cynosport Grand Prix Finals and the Steeplechase Finals. Did pretty well on contacts but Tyra was struggling with doubles again.

Sloooow Friday

Work again. Even less incentive than normal to go in. Finished off a photo order in the morning. Little Avery label printer no longer works properly, don’t know if it’s a Vista drivers thing. It used to be fine on the other computer with XP. Ended up printing sheet of stickers with logo and writing file name on back. Not quite as elegant but does the job.
Heather rang, she and Lois were taking the dogs to the chiropractor in the afternoon. Arranged to go to lunch at the Cheshire Cat. That killed a couple of hours. Lamb curry and a pint of Marston’s Pedigree

Back to Work

No more vacation days left this year, so in work again.
Anyway, guess what – It’s snowing!
Looking pretty white again out there. Should make for interesting driving home and out to RedGate for agility practice. Better make the effort.
Premium lists are out for all Dreamfields trials up to end of May. It’s official – my name is written down in black and white – I’m a judge! OK, just a probationer, but still a judge. I know I have loads of time but should think about designing my courses now.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day. Matthew stayed last night and got to open presents with us. Clothes, chocs, DVDs and books were the order of the day. Catherine bought Matthew an acoustic guitar. Took him a while to figure out how to attach the strap.
Spoke to mum. Grant, Scott and Alex were over and playing the traditional games :-). Paul’s mum & dad rang too. They were at John and Jacqui’s for a few days. Seemed to like their “luxury” hamper present.
Had a pretty lazy day. Bucks fizz before Xmas dinner and just finished the rest of the wine off with the food. Ate around one and then just lounged around.
Yesterday, a softbox I’d got from eBay arrived. I figured out how to set it up after a bit of trial and error. I was hoping to take pictures of Catherine & Matthew but they didn’t seem too keen. Matthew skipped off to see his girlfriend and just arrived home late enough for Catherine to be in bed. She has to get up to be in work for 5am, working at the Future Shop Boxing day sales. Anyway, managed to get Ivan to sit for a couple of shots. Still need some work on lighting techniques but I got one nice shot.
Watched an old film on the History channel but didn’t break open the DVDs yet.

rifle scopes