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Category Archives: snow
Yesterday, standard poodle Munroe came to visit. It was a cold, clear day and the sun was just about to set.
Snow Fun
It’s a lot of fun actually 🙂 We haven’t had a lot of snow this year so whenever there’s fresh snowfall, the dogs love to go outside and play in it. Here’s Indy, playing frisbee.
Twenty Below
What does one do when it’s minus 20 degrees celcius outdoors? One takes advantage of the sun and the snow – and takes photographs! It’s hard to stay outside for long when it’s that cold. Especially when you’re as low to the ground as Clicker the Cairn Terrier is.
Snow Day
It snowed all day yesterday. We had a foot of snow to shovel this morning. Made it down to the Post Office to pick up my latest canvas order. What a great job they did! Colours are superb. Here’s a quick snap (click on it for a larger view)
Snow's Melting
And we have a little river running through the property
Spoke too soon
Makes a change from snow, I said.At least Boris doesn’t care!
Camera's Back!
I got a call from Home Hardware in Almonte at Friday lunchtime. There was a Purolator delivery waiting for me there. I could only think of one thing it could be – the MK3 coming back from its repair. Incredible service. A total turnaround time of one week. Despatched one Friday and received back again […]
Dare I say it?
It’s snowing again.
Snowing again
Yes another blog post with the title “Snowing Again” That’s because it is.